Source code for downloader.structures.responses

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
from collections import namedtuple

# Functions & classes =========================================================
[docs]class DownloadedFile(namedtuple("DownloadedFile", ["url", "b64_data"])): """ Response to :class:`.Download` and :class:`.ProgressDownload`. Attributes: url (str): URL of the internet resource. b64_data (str): Downloaded data encoded as base64 string. """ pass
[docs]class Progress(namedtuple("Progress", ["url", "step", "downloaded", "content_length"])): """ Response to :class:`.ProgressDownload`. Attributes: url (str): URL of the internet resource. step (int): Number of current step. downloaded (int): How many bytes was downloaded to this step. content_length (int): How big is the whole file (in bytes). """ pass
[docs]class Exists(namedtuple("Exists", ["url", "result", "headers"])): """ Response to :class:`.CheckExistence`. Attributes: url (str): URL of the internet resource. result (bool): ``True`` if the file exists, ``False`` if not. headers (dict): HTTP headers returned to this requests. """ pass