Source code for downloader

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
from base64 import b64encode

# requests
from structures.requests import Download
from structures.requests import ProgressDownload
from structures.requests import CheckExistence

# responses
from structures.responses import DownloadedFile
from structures.responses import Progress
from structures.responses import Exists

import downloader

# Functions & classes =========================================================
[docs]def get_progress_reporter(send_back): """ Construct progress reporter callback from `send_back` function. Args: send_back (fn reference): Reference to function for sending messages back using AMQP. Returns: fn reference: Function taking 3 parameters as is required by \ :func:`.progress_download`. """ def progress_reporter_callback(step, downloaded, content_len): send_back( Progress( step=step, downloaded=downloaded, content_length=content_len ) ) return progress_reporter_callback
def _instanceof(instance, class_): """Check type by matching ``.__name__``.""" return type(instance).__name__ == class_.__name__
[docs]def reactToAMQPMessage(message, send_back): """ React to given (AMQP) message. `message` is usually expected to be :py:func:`collections.namedtuple` structure filled with all necessary data. Args: message (\*Request class): only :class:`.ConversionRequest` class is supported right now send_back (fn reference): Reference to function for responding. This is useful for progress monitoring for example. Function takes one parameter, which may be response structure/namedtuple, or string or whatever would be normally returned. Returns: ConversionResponse: response filled with data about conversion and\ converted file. Raises: ValueError: if bad type of `message` structure is given. """ if _instanceof(message, Download): return DownloadedFile( url=message.url, b64_data=b64encode( ) ) elif _instanceof(message, CheckExistence): exists = True # not nice, but you would not believe, how many exceptions are there to # throw try: headers = downloader.head_request(message.url) except Exception: exists = False headers = {} return Exists( url=message.url, result=exists, headers=headers ) elif _instanceof(message, ProgressDownload): return DownloadedFile( url=message.url, b64_data=b64encode( downloader.progress_download( url=message.url, steps=message.steps, callback=get_progress_reporter(send_back) ) ) ) raise ValueError( "Unknown type of request: '" + str(type(message)) + "'!" )