Source code for downloader.structures.requests

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
from collections import namedtuple

# Functions & classes =========================================================
[docs]class Download(namedtuple("Download", ["url"])): """ Download data from `url`. Attributes: url (str): URL of the internet resource. Returns: obj: :class:`.DownloadedFile`. """ pass
[docs]class ProgressDownload(namedtuple("ProgressDownload", ["url", "steps"])): """ Download data from `url` and report back the progress. Attributes: url (str): URL of the internet resource. steps (int): Number of steps used to track progress. Progress is reported using :class:`.Progress` structure. Returns: obj: :class:`.DownloadedFile`. """ pass
[docs]class CheckExistence(namedtuple("CheckExistence", ["url"])): """ Send HEAD request to given `url` and check it's existence. Attributes: url (str): URL of the internet resource. Returns: obj: :class:`.Exists`. """ pass